open-hearted - motivating - communicative
I am a dancer and as well movement Coach with many years of professional (stage) experience. My passion is teaching and working as a full-time Coach. I m a Personal Trainer and besides that, I am teaching several courses (Functional Classes, Strength & Conditioning + Stretch & Mobility) in different gyms, mainly Corpus Dicio. At the moment, I am also the Coach of the Alba Berlin Junior Dance Team. My last five years have been full of new body research in martial arts, based in a gym named Spitfire Academy. Besides being the gym and counter manager I was teaching Athletic courses and created my own Stretch-Mobility Class made for both ground and stand-up fighters. I always say that the experience of working with all types of bodies, like everything from ballerina to mma fighter, has really taught me the contrary of our bodies and know now better than ever how to read the language of our bodies and its limits. I have a Personal Trainer License, Pilates Certificate and as well a bachelor’s degree in contemporary and modern dance.
Personal Trainer License and Pilates Certificate, Bachelor in contemporary and modern dance.
morning flow (Stretching & Mobility Class), Functional-Training, Strength & Conditioning Class, calming down (Stretching & Mobility Class), basic Pilates flow and power Pilates.
My classes are: technical demanding, but fun.
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Experienced Athletes, educated instructors, strong characters